Thursday, November 28, 2019

What Would I Tell the Founding Fathers free essay sample

If you had the opportunity to talk to the Founding Fathers what would you ask them? If had the chance I would discuss three things with the Founding Fathers I would ask about how their political experience was, religion, and their legacy. Just to tell you a little about the Founding Fathers, they were political leaders and statesmen. They participated in the American Revolution by signing the Declaration of Independence. I wonder how their experience was in the political stand .The framers of the Constitution had extensive political experience. By 1787, four-fifths (41 people), Were or had been members Of the Continental Congress. Nearly all of the 55 delegates had experience in colonial and state government, and most of them had held county and local offices. The ones who lacked congressional experience were Bassett, Blair, Barely, Broom, Davie, Dayton, Alexander Martin, Luther Martin, Mason, McClure, Paterson, Charles Pinkeye, Strong, Washington and Yates. Religion was something that was important to most of the Founding Fathers. We will write a custom essay sample on What Would I Tell the Founding Fathers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One of the many attacks on our country from the Religious Right is the claim that our country is a Christian Nation. The majority of people are Christians, UT the country itself was founded by Christians, for Christians. Many people think that the statement is a lie. The men responsible for building the foundation of the United States were men of The Enlightenment, not men of Christianity. According to the historian Joseph J.Ellis, the concept of the Founding Fathers of the IS. S. Emerged in the asses as the last survivors died out. Ellis says the founders, or the fathers, comprised an aggregate of semi-sacred figures whose particular accomplishments and singular achievements were decidedly less important than their sheer presence as a powerful but faceless symbol of sat greatness. For the generation of national leaders coming of age in the asses and 1 sass men like Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John C.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Want Answers Top 20 Current Trends in Resumes and Job Search

Want Answers Top 20 Current Trends in Resumes and Job Search What’s the â€Å"right† way to write a resume or conduct a job search? People ask me questions all the time about how many pages a resume should be; whether to include an Objective statement; what the value is of a web portfolio; etc. The fact is, there is no clear cut answer to many of these questions, and the answers change year by year, even day by day. They certainly can change depending on who you are, what industry you’re in, and what your experience level is. Ask the Experts Given that resume writing and job search strategies are constantly changing, I feel fortunate that there is a coalition of experts who spend a lot of time thinking about these issues, and even more fortunate that they share their wisdom each year. On December 30, 2010, a consortium of 156 career experts from the U.S., Canada and the U.K. met to brainstorm about career and employment issues. They published their findings on March 14, 2011 in Findings of 2010 Global Career Brainstorming Day: Trends for the Now, the New the Next in Careers. As my readers, you are privy to the valuable findings of this group of Career Thought Leaders. The latest trends in resume writing and job search strategies include: Your Google results are the new resume. Build a strong online presence so you look good when those results come up. And monitor your Google results routinely in case of anything fishy! Keep it short. Three-page resumes are discouraged, regardless of your experience level. Use â€Å"extras† or addenda if necessary for publications, technology qualifications, consulting experience, etc. Culture fit is more important than your skill set. Companies hire people, not resumes. Web portfolios are not as useful as you might think in most industries. Brand yourself! Keep your brand consistent throughout your job search documents. DO use a Core Competencies or Key Strengths section. DO put a testimonial or two on your resume. DO use tasteful graphic touches, including borders, text boxes or graphs when appropriate. Show the company what YOU can do for THEM. Write resume bullets that clearly show the problem you solved and how you solved it. If possible, write your intended job title instead of â€Å"Summary of Qualifications† above your summary. This structure makes your objective clear, and allows you to write a summary of your offerings instead of an objective. DO send paper resumes! They will make you stand out from the crowd. DO send a cover letter. Do not expect that it will be read. However, in some cases it is read first, so assume it will be read. E-cover letters (in the body of an email) can be short and sweet. Have a bio available in addition to a resume as an alternative introduction to a resume. Format your resume in Microsoft Word .doc format. Have a plain text resume available as well. Use Twitres ( to display your resume on Twitter. Use to display your resume on LinkedIn ( is my personal tip) Networking is still the absolute best way to get a job. Job boards just are not an effective tool for job search, although you should use them as part of your strategy. Only 13.2% of external hires in Fortune 500 companies came from job boards, whereas 26.7% came from referrals and 22.3% came from employer career sites. Overall, somewhere between 65-95% of all new hires come as a result of networking. That’s a pretty staggering statistic! Social networking an essential job search strategy, and LinkedIn tops the chart. 80% of recruiters use social media to recruit candidates. You absolutely MUST have a strong presence on LinkedIn, â€Å"the #1 online networking platform for job seekers† according to the report. Clear skeletons out of your closet if you can. With so many candidates vying for each open position, any red flags mean your application is put in the â€Å"no†pile. Employers will go back 20-30 years to make sure your record is clean. Become savvy with virtual technology. You might be required to attend a virtual interview, or you might choose to create a web-based resume or portfolio to get some extra notice. Need help to manage it all? Many job seekers are hiring virtual assistants just to keep up with it all! If you want to read more detail about these top 20 points, please go to the full article, Findings of 2010 Global Career Brainstorming Day: Trends for the Now, the New the Next in Careers. Were you surprised by any of the findings? What did you learn? Please share in the comments below.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

British Airways Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

British Airways - Research Paper Example Three countries have been selected as the most appropriate targets for such initiative: Mexico, Brazil and Ukraine. Each of these countries can offer different benefits in regard to the firm’s particular plan. Mexico seems to meet all criteria as a target country for outsourcing activities. Brazil and Ukraine can also respond to the firm’s specific needs under the terms that appropriate arrangements of cooperation are made. The various aspects of such plan are presented below emphasizing on both the theoretical and practical implications of the specific project. Table of contents Executive Summary 2 1. Introduction 4 2. British Airways – Outsourcing of Aircraft maintenance services 4 2.1 Company overview 4 2.2 Aircraft maintenance services – industry characteristics 5 2.3 Outsourcing of Aircraft maintenance services 5 2.3.1 Brazil 5 2.3.2 Mexico 6 2.3.3 Ukraine 7 2.4 Outsourcing as a business strategy – theoretical perspectives 8 2.5 Conclusion 9 Re ferences 10 Appendix 13 1. Introduction The effects of firms’ strategic decisions can be quite important influencing the organizational performance either in the short or the long term. For this reason, when managers have to develop a critical strategic decision need to review all parameters of the relevant plan, taking into consideration potential failures or unexpected problems. In the Aviation industry a similar approach has to be used when such decisions need to be developed. This paper focuses on the potential effects of the decision of British Airways (BA) to outsource part of each supply chain activities, its aircraft maintenance services. There are three countries that have been reviewed, as of potential targets of this strategy: Brazil, Mexico and Ukraine. Each of these countries has been involved in such activities, but not at the same level. For example, Mexico has been found to be a country that can effectively support all aspects of outsourcing in regard to an ai r carrier’s aircraft maintenance services. The other two countries, Brazil and Ukraine seem to be less developed in this sector; still, Brazil and Ukraine also can offer a series of benefits to firms that would decide to outsource their aircraft maintenance services to these countries. The theoretical aspects of outsourcing, as a common business strategy are also presented in this paper, aiming to highlight the implications that BA would have to face in case it would decide to proceed to the specific plan, i.e. to outsource its aircraft maintenance services to Brazil, Mexico or Ukraine. 2. British Airways – Outsourcing of Aircraft maintenance services 2.1 Company overview British Airways is a major competitor in the global aviation industry. The firm was first established in 1919 under the name ‘Aircraft Transport and Travel Limited (AT&T)’ (British Airways History 2012). In the decades that followed the growth of the firm was significant (British Airways History 2012). At the end of 2011 the fleet of the company was estimated to ‘245 aircrafts’ (IAG About Us). In 2011, January, BA was merged with the Spanish Air Carrier, Iberia (IAG About Us); the firm resulted has been IAG, International Airlines Group, a firm based in Spain (IAG About Us). The financial performance of BA, as a member of IAG can be characterized as quite important, as indicating in the financial report of IAG, the parent company, for 2011 (Figure 4, Appendix). In a more

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Presentation of statistics using a frequency Research Paper

Presentation of statistics using a frequency - Research Paper Example It would be prudent to depict the same by means of Table 2.1 as shown below: Table 2.1: Use of frequency distribution in reporting data # Purpose Frequency distributions used 1 Duration of unemployment 27 weeks 2 Employment status by age 16-19 years, 16-17 years, 18-19 years, > 20 years, 20-24 years, >25 years, 25-54 years, 24-34 years, 35-44 years, 45-54 years, >55 years, 16 years and over, 20 years and over, 16-64 years,>65 years (many mutually inclusive ranges, used differently at different places) 3 Employment status by education level Less than high school, High school but no college, Some college or associate degree, Bachelor’s degree & higher (Qualitative ranges) 4 †¦. 3. Conclusions drawn The major conclusion drawn from this study was that the number of unemployed persons in August was 14 million, almost the same as previous month. Also the unemployment rate stood at 9.1%. Frequency distributions had a role to play in other conclusions. It was concluded that the n umber of long term unemployed (>27 weeks duration) was 42.9% of the total unemployed. The unemployment rates for adult men (18 and over), adult women (18 and over) and teenagers (16-19) showed little monthly changes. Also as expected the unemployment rate was inversely proportional to the level of education of a person. 4. Scales of measurement Table 4.1 gives a snapshot of the important variables and the scales of measurement used for them. Table 4.1: Scales of Measurement of Variables # Variable Scale of Measurement 1 Population Ratio 2 Number of Employed / Unemployed Ratio 3 Unemployment rate Ratio 4 Age Interval 5 Education Interval 6 Duration of unemployment Interval 7 Type of industry Nominal 8 Race of population Nominal 9 Veteran status Nominal 10 Class of workers Nominal 11 Occupation Nominal 12 †¦. 5. Effectiveness of the presentation The presentation of employment data gives a comprehensive view of the unemployment status in U.S.. The data has been segregated form all practical dimensions and categories. The use of frequency distributions for education and duration of employment seems appropriate. However, for age, many frequency distributions have been used at multiple places. Many of these frequency ranges are mutually inclusive. This leads to a lot of confusion for the viewers of the report. The ranges for age need to be standardized in order to present a clear picture of employment status by age. In addition to this, there is another scope for improvement in the report. It is in terms of representing numbers through bar graphs and pie charts. This would help the viewer in getting a quick snapshot of the numbers and percentages rather than current process where various tables need to be scanned through to come to a conclusion. 6. References The Employment Situation - August 2011. (2011). News Release. Bureau of labor Statistics. U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved 14 September, 2011 from

Monday, November 18, 2019

Introduction to statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introduction to statistics - Essay Example Line graphs also allow us to see overall trends such as an increase or decrease in data over time. Clearly, looking at the graph we don’t observe any disparity in the data given The intuition can further be confirmed from the t-test significance analysis conducted. From the table below, the percent of goods moved in the year 2000 was 16.53 while that moved in the year 2009 was 15.69, this shows no significant difference. Also from the same table (table 2), we observe that the p-value=0.206>0.05 (significance level), we thus fail to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that indeed there is no significant difference in the goods moved in the year 2000 and those moved in the year 2009. In this part we regressed the 2009 data on the 2000 data since the data was found to follow a normal distribution we opted to use a parametric test (Bivariate regression analysis), we used bivariate because we only had two variables to test (simple linear regression) and the model produced

Friday, November 15, 2019

Factors Affecting The Rate Of Enzymes Activity Biology Essay

Factors Affecting The Rate Of Enzymes Activity Biology Essay Enzymes are catalysts made within the human body. Catalysts naturally, lower the activation energy required for reactions. The lower the activation energy is, the faster the rate of reaction is, and therefore enzymes speed up reactions in the body by lowering the activation energy required. ( There are many factors that contribute to the rate of reaction of an enzyme. Factors include: concentration of the enzyme, temperature, pH level, concentration of the substrate, and inhibitors. This lab shows the affects these factors have on the rate of reaction between catalase, an enzyme found in potatoes, and hydrogen peroxide, the substrate. The specific enzyme that was studied during this lab was catalase. Catalase is a naturally occurring enzyme that is found in many living organisms such as plants and the human body. Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide, a very harmful oxidizing agent for cells (Catalase). A single catalase molecule can break down millions of hydrogen peroxide molecules in a given moment. Catalase breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a natural waste product which forms when the body breaks down fatty acids and converts that into energy. Hydrogen peroxide also forms when white blood cells break down and kill bacteria in the body. Catalase is also helpful in prevent the formation of carbon dioxide bubbles in the blood. Catalase can help break down other harmful chemicals in the body such as alcohol, phenol, and formaldehyde ( As mentioned before, enzymes play a significant role in organic chemistry. Catalase is one of the most recognized enzymes found in living organisms. This lab provides the clear and understandable information of the enzyme being studied, catalase, and proves the affects of the factors that contribute to an enzymes rate of reaction. Part 1: Change in Enzyme Concentration Table 1: Enzyme concentration compositions Distance (cm) Time (s) Rate of Change (cm/s) Other observations 100 % concentration (10 mL potato juice) 8 cm 3.02 s 2.65 cm/s bubbles appeared 80 % concentration (8 mL potato juice, 2 mL distilled water) 8 cm 5.06 s 1.58 cm/s fewer bubbles than previous composition 60 % concentration (6 mL potato juice, 4 mL distilled water) 8 cm 6.28 s 1.27 cm/s fewer bubbles than previous composition 40% concentration (4 mL potato juice, 6 mL distilled water) 8 cm 7.5 s 1.07 cm/s fewer bubbles than previous composition 20% concentration (2 mL potato juice, 8 mL distilled water) 8 cm 19.65 s 0.41 cm/s no bubbles appeared Graph 1: Analysis 1: According to the observation graph 1, the major trend shows that as the concentration of the catalase, which is in the potato juice, increases there is also an increase in the rate of reaction. As the concentration of the catalase decreased, the rate of reaction also decreased. Part 2: Change in Temperature Table 2: Temperature ( °C) Distance (cm) Time (s) Rate of Reaction (cm/s) 10.0 8.00 5.85 1.38 21.0 8.00 4.83 1.66 35.0 8.00 2.99 2.68 50.0 8.00 4.21 1.90 80.0 8.00 5.52 1.45 Graph 2: Analysis 2: Observation graph 2 shows the relationship between the environmental temperature and the rate of reaction. According to the observation chart the optimal temperature was 35 °C. The optimal temperature being the temperature at which the enzyme reacted the fastest. Any temperature higher or lower than 35 °C, the catalase molecules did not react as fast. Part 3: Change in pH Level Table 3: Amount of H2O2 (mL) Amount of Distilled Water (mL) Amount of pH Buffer (mL) pH Level Vertical Distance Travelled by Filter Paper Towards Meniscus Time taken by filter paper disc to move to meniscus (s) Upward velocity of Filter Paper Disc (cm/s) 10 mL 5 mL 7 (Control) 8.15 6.6 1.23 10 mL 5 mL 2 7.98.15 16.65 0.47 10 mL 5 mL 4 8.15 7.05 1.16 10 mL 5 mL 9 8.1 10.4 0.78 10 mL 5 mL 12 7.85 8.14 0.96 Graph 3: Analysis 3: According to graph 3, the optimal value was the pH level of 7. At the pH level of 7, the rate of reaction was the fastest, any pH level higher or lower than that of 7 the enzymes rate of reaction would decrease. This relationship was much like that of the temperatures, anything above or below the optimal value the rate of reaction decreases. Part 4: Change in Substrate Concentration Table 4: Concentration of H202 of Distilled Water Trial Time of catalase to travel from the bottom of the test tube to the top (s) Distance of bottom of test tube to substrate(cm) Rate of change of the catalyzed reaction (cm/s) 15 mL of H202 3% 1 5.89 8.0 1.36 2 6.86 8.0 1.17 Total 6.38 8.0 1.27 13 mL of H202 2.6% 1 8.13 8.0 0.98 2 7.11 8.0 1.13 Total 7.62 8.0 1.01 10 mL of H202 2% 1 8.65 8.0 0.87 2 12.8 8.0 0.63 Total 10.73 8.0 0.75 7.5 mL of H202 1.5% 1 9.43 8.0 0.84 2 12.53 8.0 0.64 Total 10.98 8.0 0.74 5 mL of H202 1% 1 10.37 8.0 0.77 2 12.88 8.0 0.62 Total 12.63 8.0 0.70 Graph 4: Analysis 4: According to graph 4, as the concentration of the substrate (hydrogen peroxide) increases the rate of reaction also increases. This relationship was much like that of the change in enzyme concentration. Part 5: Addition of an Inhibitor Table 5: Experiment Number Amount of Inhibitor (copper (II) sulfate drops) Time (s) Distance (cm) Rate of change (cm/s) 1 0 4.13 8.0 1.94 2 1 4.68 8.0 1.71 3 5 5.57 8.0 1.44 4 10 6.66 8.0 1.20 5 15 8.57 8.0 0.93 Graph 5: Analysis 5: According to graph 5, as there was an increase in the drops of copper (II) sulphate (the inhibitor for this lab) there was a decrease in the rate of reaction. This was due to the fact that the copper (II) sulphate blocked the active site of the catalase. Evaluation: Conclusion For each part of the lab, there were hypothesis made in the beginning of the experiments. Each experiment was done and observed and a conclusion was reached on whether the hypothesis for the experiment made sense and was proven. Part 1: Change in Enzyme Concentration Hypothesis: If there was an increase in the concentration of the catalase, then there would be an increase in the rate of reaction. This hypothesis was proven to be true. As there was an increase in the concentration of the enzyme, the catalase, there was an increase in the rate of reaction. This was due to the fact that there were more catalase enzymes available for the substrates to bind to and soon react with. The concentration of the substrate was maintained at the naturally available concentration, there were no changes made. That meant that there were more active sites available to the substrates to bind to. The more the active sites there were, the more substrates were being reacted at the same time, therefore decreasing the time it took to fully react with all the substrate molecules. Table 2: Change in temperature Hypothesis: If the temperature of the environment surrounding the reaction increases the rate of reaction will also increase, until it reaches the optimal point, the point at which the rate of reaction will start to decrease. The hypothesis was proven to be true as well. The rate of reaction did increase until it reached the optimal point. At the optimal point (35 °C) the rate of reaction was the highest, which meant the most number of hydrogen peroxide molecules were reacting with the enzymes during the experiment at that specific temperature. In other words, the optimal point was when the enzymes worked the best. As the temperature rose, the molecules possessed more kinetic energy. The more kinetic energy there was, the more the molecules moved and collided with one another, increasing the rate of reaction, until it reached the optimal point. Once the temperature started to increase higher than 35 °C the catalase started to denature, which meant the shape of the enzyme would start to differ. The denaturing catalase decreased the rate of reaction because there werent as many healthy normal catalase molecules to maintain the rate or even increase it. Part 3: Change in pH Level Hypothesis: If the pH level of the substrate increased then the rate of reaction will also increase until an optimal pH level is reached. Anything above or below the optimal pH level the enzyme will denature. This hypothesis was also proven to be true. The optimal pH level was 7, neutral, for the catalase. This meant at pH 7, the most enzyme-substrate reactions were taking place at that specific time. Enzymes work within a small pH range, therefore pH levels tend to have a great impact on the enzyme-substrate activity (Nelson Biology 12). Any pH level above or below 7 started to denature the enzyme, slowing down the rate of reaction. Denaturing enzymes meant that the shape of the overall enzyme had changed. This meant that at the pH levels of 2, 4, 9 or 12 the shape of the active site for the substrate to bond to would change, slowing down the process. At the pH level of 7, catalases activity was the greatest. Part 4: Change in Substrate Concentration Hypothesis: If the concentration of the substrate (hydrogen peroxide) increases the rate of reaction also increases. This hypothesis was proven to be true. This relationship was much like that of the concentration of the catalase. As the concentration of the substrate increased the rate of reaction also increased because there were more hydrogen peroxide molecules available to react with the catalase. However, at one point (the point of saturation, which wasnt achieved in this lab) the rate of reaction would be constant. That meant at a given point during the experiment, all of the active sites of the catalase would be occupied with a hydrogen peroxide molecule and the rate of reaction would neither increase nor decrease. Strictly looking at the experiment observed, the rate of reaction was increasing as the substrate concentration was increasing because there were more substrates available to react with an enzyme at a specific time. Part 5: Addition of an Inhibitor Hypothesis: If the addition of an inhibitor increased then that means the rate of reaction would decrease. This hypothesis was also proven correct. The copper (II) sulphate acted as an inhibitor for the experiment. When added, the copper (II) sulphate attached itself to the active site of the catalase molecules, causing the rate of reaction to decrease. The copper (II) sulphate was meant to block the active site, which it did successfully, hence the decrease in the rate of reaction. This meant, the more copper (II) sulphate was added the lower the rate of reaction would be. This is because this inhibitor stalls the reaction time because there are less reactions taking place at that moment in time, due to the fact that the active sites are blocked off from the hydrogen peroxide molecules. Evaluation: Sources of Error Throughout this lab there were many errors made that were uncontrolled and/or unaccounted for. These errors were not human errors, which were tried to be reduced to the minimal if not none. Some sources of error included: the test tube measurements, errors regarding the filter paper disc and the inconsistent concentration of the catalase. The test tubes were meant to be all the same shape and hold the same amount. However this was not the case for every single test tube. To the human eyes the amount in the test tube might look the same but in reality the amount might vary. This is due to the fact that the test tubes from the inside do not all have the same shape, after all test tubes are human made and there is a chance of major human error during that process as well. The test tubes not being consistent meant that there was room for error in measurements. Even though the volume of the catalase and the hydrogen peroxide were measured out precisely, the measurements that were made using a ruler were not. This was due to the fact that the test tubes were not all the same, and that the human eye is not precise in analyzing such measurements. This meant there were countless errors throughout the lab. For many processes the filter paper disc, which was dipped in the potato juice, did not always sink to the bottom of the test tube. Even with the help of forceps and plastic pipettes, which were used to aid the filter paper disc to the bottom of the test tube, the filter paper disc did not reach the bottom. This was because the catalase that was absorbed into the filter paper disc automatically started reacting with the hydrogen peroxide. They were very inconsistent, some filter paper discs took a longer time to be pushed to the bottom and others simply sank, and since time was a major aspect to the lab this caused many errors. Catalase concentration was also a source of error. There were many potatoes that were ground and made into potato juice for the purpose of this lab. Naturally, they would carry different concentration of catalase because of the different ways they were grown. There might be a potato that had many nutrients while it was still maturing in the field and a potato that barely got any nutrients. The concentration of the catalase used in one part of the lab would be higher or lower than the concentration of the catalase used in another part because of the different potatoes used. This affected the lab because, like observed before, the higher the concentration of the catalase the higher the rate of reaction there will be. In the future, if only one potato was ground and made into potato juice would help control this aspect of the lab. These were only three main errors observed during this lab. There were many more, regarding the separate sections of the lab. Evaluation: Next Steps Throughout this lab there were many procedures that could have been done differently or to a different point. Another lab could have been carried out with another natural enzyme which could have been comparable to the factors and affects of catalase. Also, the saturation level was undiscovered for the enzyme (in terms of concentration, and the inhibitors). Both are procedures that could have been carried to obtain a better understanding of enzymes. Another miniature lab would have been helpful if done, because then the factors and the affects these factors had on the rate of reactions could have been compared for a better understanding. There is another naturally occurring enzyme that shares characteristics with catalase. This enzyme is called amylase. Amylase is a catalyst that hydrolysis polysaccharides starch into disaccharide maltose. Amylase can be found in the saliva, produced in the salivary glands and the pancreas. If amylase is added to starch solution, the starch will soon break down to form maltose (Enzyme Lab). Both catalase and amylase are natural occurring enzymes found in the human body and they are great for comparison with one another. If the same lab was done with amylase this lab would help others understand a little more in the similarities and differences between enzymes. One other suggestion would be to carry out the experiments to the full potential. After reading and studying enzymes, it is clear that there are saturation points for the substrate concentration and the affects of an inhibitor (Nelson Biology 12). Saturation points refer to the point at which there is no increase or decrease in the rate of reaction between the catalase and hydrogen peroxide. The experiment that required the increase in the substrate concentration could have been (and should have been) carried out until the point of saturation was observed. This is when the rate of reaction stays at a constant because all the active sites are occupied by hydrogen peroxide molecules and no other reactions can occur. This could have also been possible with the inhibitor part of the lab. At one point no reactions would occur because the inhibitors would have been blocking all the possible active sites for the hydrogen peroxide to react with. This is also referred to as a saturation point . If these saturation points were observed, there wouldve been a better understanding of the affects the different factors had on the enzyme. For future labs, both these processes should be considered, if not acted upon. With both processes there is the availability to further the understanding of enzymes and their capabilities in living organisms. Work Cited CATALASE -ANTIOXIDANT BENEFITS, INFORMATION ON SUPPLEMENTS, ARTICLES, LINKS, NEWS, ADVICE. VITAMINSTUFF A RESOURCE FOR VITAMINS, HERBS, ANTIOXIDANTS, AND ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE . N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. . Catalase An Extraordinary Enzyme. Catalase Home Page (Index page for N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. . Enzyme Lab Ex. 4. Welcome to Eve. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. . Enzymes Enzyme Biological Catalysts Diet and Diet and N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. . Protein Digestion: A Trip Through the Gut. Oracle ThinkQuest Library . N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. . Substrate definition from Life Science Reference Biology Online. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. . catalase: Definition from Wiki QA combined with free online dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedias. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Mar. 2010. . The innocence in this world has become extinct Though, my purity still stands because my status is distinct. I have been refusing to give the green light Continually declining every invite It  Ã‚  holds all the respect   Its just not enough to relinquish in an hour Once it is gone, its gone forever Its just not worth it to me One of my worst enemies is Regret All the hurt and all the pain is hard to forget I dont want to be a statistic So when it comes to sex, we speak of different linguistics. I must add that my mind is pessimistic. What if something goes wrong? What if its sadistic They always ask me if Im clean. Give it up baby, youre already seventeen Sounds like a kid to me   I dont know what the fuck you mean. Im just not you, one who lets lust consume Seems like everyone lost it already In this I must say, My standards must be met for it to be given away. That man better love me to death I better be the reason for his every breath Baby dont you see the ring on that right fist Because I dare that man to run off with my virginity

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Drinking and Driving Essay -- Drunk Driving Alcohol DUI Influence Essa

Drunk driving is considered a serious crime in every state. It is wrong, irresponsible and wastes many lives. People who abuse alcohol hurt everyone around them, endanger public safety, and create carnage on the nation's highways. There is nothing positive that can come out of drunk driving, so why do people do it? It is society's job to punish these menaces and try to take control of this out of control issue. America doesn't want to watch idly as hundreds of people are killed each day. We want to take a stand and let the world know that we may be the 'land of the free and the brave' but there is nothing brave or free about driving drunk. What should be done about this problem is debatable and certainly open to discussion, but the first step is lowering the BAC (blood alcohol concentration) level from .10 to .08. Many states have already done this and I commend them on this decision, but the government needs to mandate this to all the states. Some people oppose this decision and sa y that it is based on 'emotion, personal vendettas, and irrational, sound public policy, nor backed up by statistical data.'( DWI Dilema, Internet source) However, I disagree. We need to send the message that it is not acceptable, nor is it constitutional to drive under any influence of alcohol, weather it be .08 or .20.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ?Drunken driving was once treated much as car accidents?a regrettable but unavoidable part of life on the roads. But a vocal grass-roots movement led my MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) persuaded much of the country, over two decades, to view it as a type of criminal negligence. Public patience with drunk drivers quickly grew thin as well-publicized death tolls mounted. ( Mishra, Internet source)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What exactly is drunk driving? This is a question that has yet to be answered. ?To determine the concentration of alcohol in the body at any given time, it is necessary to establish the blood alcohol concentration (BAC), which measures the percentage of alcohol in the blood. When a person consumes more alcohol than his or her body can immediately eliminate, alcohol accumulates in the bloodstream and the BAC rises.?(Henderson, 23) In Connecticut the BAC level is .08, this means that the blood alcohol level needed to be arrested for drunken driving has to be .08 or higher. ?One can also be convicted of drunk driving without the results of a blood alcoho... charge of failure to appear carries the potential penalty of 1 year in jail and/or a $2,000 fine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  America is not putting a deaf ear to the war on drunk driving. It is far from over, but every step we take to get it under control, is a step toward drying it up. Lowering the BAC level is just the first step, we still have a long journey ahead of us. Connecticut has taken a stand and been one of the twelve states to lower their legal BAC level to .08. I truly agree with this decision, and hope that other states will follow our lead. ?Strict criminal prosecution of alcohol-impaired drivers is the most effective deterrent in reducing the menace of alcohol-impaired driving.?(Henderson, 108) This battle isn?t just between people who are old enough to drive as well as drink. Teenagers, much like my self, are taking action against drunk driving. In Hamden High School we have a very active club called S.A.D.D.(Students against Drunk Driving) This club makes young people aware of the dangers of driving even after drinking small amounts of alcohol. This is an issue that i s not to be taken lightly, and it certainly isn?t. I just hope that one day, this issue will be non-existent.